
  • Security Guarding
  • Door Supervision
  • Event Security
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Event Security
How to Hire a Good Event Security Company in London
11 Apr 2024

London is regarded as the number one city in the UK for hosting an event. From the range of venues to the sheer number of people, not to mention the city’s vibrant culture, bustling corporate scene and links to the arts, it’s no wonder that people opt for the capitol as the setting for their events. But with any gathering of people comes the responsibility of being able to ensure their safety and comfort during their time spent as your guest. This is where event security becomes paramount.  

If you’re in the dark when it comes to how event security companies operate and what hiring one entails, this blog will give you all of the information you need to make a confident decision.

What is event security?

The term event security covers a wide range of measures that can be put in place to safeguard an event. This includes protecting guests, staff, and assets. Trained security personnel are put in place to mitigate any potential risks, and use their training and technology to respond to any disturbances or threats that may occur. Crowd management, perimeter maintenance and surveillance all fall under the role of event security.

Why is it important?

Large gatherings present a wide range of opportunities for crime, dangerous activity and disorderly conduct to occur. This is especially true when there is alcohol involved. As an event organiser it is your responsibility to put appropriate security measures in place to protect your attendees, staff, and property. Doing so is not only beneficial for safety purposes, but also for the reputation and success of the event itself. 

Common event threats and risks

Some common threats that can occur at London-based events include: 

  • Violence – under the right circumstances any kind of altercation can quickly escalate to involving bodily harm and pose a risk to anyone in the vicinity. 
  • Theft and vandalism – criminals may target your event to steal or vandalise property. 
  • Terrorism – unfortunately, any large event in London can become a target for terrorist attacks. 
  • Medical emergencies – ranging from crushing crowds to fainting guests, medical emergencies can occur no matter the size of your event and require a swift response. 

How to plan for your security needs

You can’t hire the appropriate event security company without first understanding the exact security requirements of your event. Consider the following:

  • Do you have a comprehensive risk assessment in place? This should outline any possible threats to your event, from the criminal to the environmental or accidental. 
  • Decide which security measures best suit the risks you have identified. 
  • Considering the scale of your event and the number of guests, what size security team would be required to effectively mitigate any of the potential risks. 
  • Develop an emergency response plan for yourself and your staff that can be communicated among your team and your eventual security team. If you have any difficult with this, your hired security personnel should be able to help you create one.

Hiring your event security 

Finding the best fit for your event will come down to a wide variety of factors. There are plenty of event security companies to choose from in London, and it’s important that you find a company that understands the nature of your event and how you want it to be run. 

Take into consideration a company’s reputation and reviews – if they have a proven track record of providing stellar security for events of a similar nature to yours, they could be a good match. What technologies and security solutions can they provide? Some companies are better equipped than others, and a good company should be able to tailor their offerings to suit your event.  

Don’t be afraid to enter into discussions with multiple companies to get a good feel of what they are able to offer you. Ask to verify their certifications and licenses, request custom quotes, and see how responsive and open to collaboration they are.

Managing your security on the day

On the day of your event it’s quite likely that you will have a long list of things that require your attention. With the right preparation in place you should hopefully be able to leave anything security related to the experts you have hired.

In order to be able to relax when it comes to your security measures, make sure you do the following: 

  • Brief your security personnel and provide a detailed outline of their roles and responsibilities for the day, as well as any emergency procedures. 
  • Establish and maintain an open flow of communication between yourself and your security team. 
  • Decide how and when you would like information to be passed to you should anything suspicious take place; this is important not just for your peace of mind, but also that of the guests, who may not respond well to seeing security pull you aside. 

Best practices for securing your event

Here are our top tips for maintaining event security in London and making it easier for security personnel to keep your event running smoothly and the people in your care safe. 

  • Limit the entry and exit points to your event. This gives security staff fewer places they need to monitor and helps to make ticketing and ID chests clearer. 
  • Make sure your event is well-lit, or if this is not possible, that security staff have ways of being able to maintain visibility. 
  • Encourage your guests to report any suspicious behaviour, and make sure that guests can identify security staff in order to be able to do this. 
  • After your event, take note of what worked well and what needs to be improved for your next booking. 

Consider All Time Security

We wouldn’t be comfortable giving you this advice if we weren’t confident in our expertise. The experience and professionalism of All Time Security services mean that we are able to provide the highest standard of event security and allow our partners to focus on what has gone right instead of what might go wrong. For more information on the security services we can offer for your even in London, get in touch today. 

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5 Essential Security Measures Every Hampshire Business Should Implement
05 Oct 2023

All businesses, no matter their size, need to implement appropriate safety measures and provide a safe working environment for members of staff. The level of security you will need to implement will depend on the size of your business, any specific risks you face and of course your specific budget. Here at All Time Security, we pride ourselves on being one of the country’s leading security firms, and provide the best security solutions for businesses of every size. In this handy guide, we will explain 5 of the most crucial security measures your business should adopt so that you can create a safe working environment.

1. Carry Out a Thorough Risk Assessment

It is important that, as soon as possible, you are able to assess which areas within your business premises could be vulnerable to crime, accident or other events out of your control such as a weather event. If you operate from a property on a busy high street, it may be a good idea to install shutters to prevent criminals from breaking in. Similarly, if your business is located in a remote area, it is essential that you install high quality CCTV. In other words, it is important that you are able to do your research to identify the places that could be vulnerable and come up with a solution quickly. It may be a simple fix that a window or door just requires an extra lock, but even this could make the world of difference.

2. Make Sure Your Staff are Adequately Trained in Safety

All of your staff members should be given adequate training on safety procedures in case of an emergency, such as a fire in the workplace. It is crucial that your safety drills are practised regularly and your premises should have at least one fire extinguisher that is readily available and tested to ensure it is in working condition. Emergency fire exit doors should be clearly visible at all times and must not be obstructed. You also need to consider the arrangements and requirements for any employees who have a disability or present an additional risk (such as a pregnant colleague) in the event of an evacuation.

A two-way radio device can be of use in coordinating and communicating in such an event. It is also important to have a list of emergency numbers for the police, ambulance services and the fire brigade to hand and a safety manual or a safety notice pinned up to advise staff of what to do should the worst come to worst. Simply put, it is vital that all of your employees know what to do so that the risk of harm is minimised.

3. Make Sure High Value Items are Properly Secured

If you keep your products, money or high-value goods such as computers, televisions, and other expensive workplace equipment, it is essential that you are able to properly secure them. In a small business, having high-value items stolen can be disastrous and cause the business to collapse. If money is kept onsite, purchase a heavy duty and high quality safe and make sure you bolt it securely to the wall or floor. If high volumes of stock or expensive tools or equipment are left overnight, make sure they are stored out of sight and towards the back of your premises or in an area that is not easily accessible, ideally in a room with few or no windows, and secured shut with one or more heavy duty locks.

4. Hire Physically Present Security Officers

A security guard’s physical presence demonstrates to members of the public that your business is secure and is being watched at all times. In other words, having such officers present is a fantastic way to deter crime. Physically present security guards observe and report any suspicious activity while responding quickly and calmly to any incidents that may have a negative impact on your business. But, indeed, physical security stretches beyond just security guards. The type of security guard you need can differ, depending on the requirements of your business.. You might need one or a combination of the following solutions:

  • Security officers/guards
  • Access and egress officers
  • Mobile patrols
  • Internal and external patrols
  • Door supervisors
  • Stewarding and compliance teams
  • Keyholding services

And here at All Time Security, we can offer you just that. Affordable, sturdy security that minimises risk and any potential threat to your business.

5. Install Security Lighting and a CCTV Control Room

Alongside the array of security guards we are able to provide, a CCTV control room is another physical security measure you can take to ensure your business is protected at all times, and is another way to deter thieves and other criminals. Highly trained guards monitor the feeds for extra security in real-time, ensuring that your business premises are kept safe and monitored at all times. Similarly, security lighting is an affordable and effective way to safeguard your business. Motion-sensitive lighting will ensure that any dark corners that could provide cover for criminals are illuminated so they cannot be undetected. When combined with CCTV, security lighting is a highly effective way to ensure your business is safe.

With a CCTV control room that’s manned 24/7, 365 days a year, alongside multiple guards on duty at all times as well as secure lighting, you can ensure your business is protected. And when you choose All Time Security, you’ll benefit from expert guidance on design and solution considerations based on the specific requirements of your business.

Get in Touch With Us Today

When it comes to securing your business premises, you should not take any chances. Here at All Time Security, we are an SIA Approved contractor for Security Guarding, Door Supervision, Key holding, Close Protection and CCTV Public Surveillance, and guarantee to keep your business safe – and at highly affordable price points, without compromising on the quality of the service we provide. We pride ourselves on being one of the UK’s leading security firms, and with years of industry experience, we are passionate about what we do. For more information on the quality services we provide, get in touch with us today.

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Ensuring Protection in Oxfordshire: Expert Security Companies You Can Trust
30 Aug 2023

When you run a business, or host a commercial space for others, protecting that space from the repercussions of crime, damage and theft becomes paramount. Not only are you protecting your valuables and, as a result, your profit, you’re protecting the years of hard work and entrepreneurship that built your Oxfordshire business. Knowing about the expert security companies in Oxfordshire that you can trust, then, is extremely important. At All Time Security, as an accredited, SIA approved contractor for a range of complete security services, we know everything there is to know about ensuring protection in Oxfordshire, and now we share this information with you..

The truth: why you need to hire a security company

More often than not, properties and businesses in Oxfordshire leave the security of their premises to themselves. And, some of the time, this works. Locking up on a night-time, pulling the metal shutters down, and turning the lights off may be suitable security measures for certain industries – but not all. 

Even if you are content with your current safety measures against theft, crime and damage, there are many valid reasons why you need to hire a security company as a business. Most of all, the major reason hiring a security company is wise is for employee and customer protection.

During the day, when the doors to your premises are open, anything could happen. The safety and wellbeing of your employees should be unquestionable, and an essential priority for business owners. Manned security guards, or even something as simple as CCTV monitoring, can create a more comfortable, relaxed, safe and enjoyable environment for employees hard at work. Furthermore, customers will feel more secure in giving their business to companies and corporations that consider their safety. This boosts customer loyalty, appreciation and trust!

Other valid reasons, that we at All Time Security fully attest to, include:

  • Crime Deterrence
  • Protection of Tangible and Intangible Assets
  • Satisfying Legal and Insurance Requirements
  • Emergency Response
  • Crowd Control
  • Real-Time Surveillance and Access Control

Whatever reason you decide on for seeking out top-quality security companies in Oxfordshire, assuredly, this decision will benefit you in the short-term, and for the years of commercial success to come.

The expert security companies in Oxfordshire, examined

Ultimately, this blog is for you – the reader, business owner, or concerned commercial landlord – to discover reliable and professional security services in Oxfordshire. Aside from ourselves at All Time Security, there are several reputable security companies in Oxfordshire that are worth examining objectively. For the purposes of this blog, we will look at three in particular, including we at All Time Security:

  1. NES Security Services

NES Security Services are an expert security company that have a headquarters in Oxfordshire, operating across Oxfordshire and wider Central England. NES Security Services are well-known for their reliable manned security presence in multiple industries, like retail and corporate office spaces. Some of the notable, complete security services to be found via this Oxfordshire-based company include: mobile security, queue management, event stewarding, vehicle searching, licensed CCTV, event security and key holding. This is quite a diverse retinue of security services, which business owners must bear in mind, depending on the degree and amount of security they’d prefer. 

  1. Churchill Support Services

Much like All Time Security, Churchill Support Services are also a nationwide security company, providing expert security services to properties in Oxfordshire. With a high customer satisfaction rate, responsive customer service, and over 25 years of experience, properties in Oxfordshire looking for expert security companies with a reliable pedigree will certainly be drawn to the Churchill Support Services. To be more specific, commercial spaces in Oxfordshire can expect trained security guards, mobile patrols, an alarm response service, CCTV installation and monitoring, and event security. 

  1. All Time Security

We at All Time Security are renowned throughout the UK for our 24/7 security services – for good reason! We operate across Oxfordshire, providing security for a variety of different industries, at accessible prices that even smaller companies can afford. Though we provide affordable security packages, customers can always expect a premium service. The services we provide are bespoke, including: concierge security services, manned guarding, locking and unlocking premises, alarm response, patrols, remote monitoring, public surveillance and more. Akin to the other companies examined here, we provide tailored security solutions to your exact request.

Qualities to look for in security companies in Oxfordshire

Not all security companies in Oxfordshire are created equal. Some may specialise more in CCTV monitoring, and others in door supervision, each to a different standard of intensity and quality. Fortunately, when choosing the right security company for your Oxfordshire business, there are distinctive qualities you should be looking out for.

  • Experience
  • Reputation
  • Licencing and Certification
  • Qualified Security Personnel
  • Responsiveness and Customer Support
  • Transparent Pricing
  • Adaptable Security Solutions

At All Time Security, we cannot understate the importance of hiring a company that has a strong reputation, with a history of good service, a roster of experienced personnel ready to attend to your requirements, and a comprehensive approach to security – this is what ensures the safety and protection of all individuals across Oxfordshire. If you’re in need of concierge security services, CCTV monitoring, door supervision and much more throughout Oxfordshire, the professionals at All Time Security have you covered. Often, the expert security company you’ve searched for has been in front of you all long! We provide one of the UK’s most leading, reliable, 24/7 security services, at an affordable price. Contact us, today.

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How many security staff do I need for my event?
24 Mar 2023

If you’re planning a high profile event, your first question may be regarding the number of security staff you should look to hire – after all, the safety of your guests is surely paramount. It’s a difficult question to answer without the relevant expertise in the area of security, which beyond the industry itself can be tricky to grasp.

Ultimately it all comes down to what kind of event you are looking to provide, but in this article we will break down all the different kinds of security, from VIP events, to crowd control, to close protection security. To start with, we should ask the question; what constitutes a high profile event?

High Profile Event Security

A high profile event is likely to have VIPs in attendance, meaning security risk undoubtedly increases. Those involved in VIP event security will be highly trained in ensuring the safety and security of those high profile individuals. Risk assessments and logistical know-how are vital for any good high profile security agency.

Good security patrolling practices include, but are not limited to, checking the toilets for substance misuse, looking for fire hazards, checking for health and safety hazards and so much more. VIP security services involve a lot more than you may initially think, so it’s vital that you are able to make the right calls on numbers and expertise needed.

As well as risk assessment, event security teams are also responsible for other elements of safety and security behind the scenes, such as CCTV monitoring. Depending on the scale of your event, you might consider using both forms of security to ensure your event runs smoothly.

You can never take too much care when it comes to protecting and looking after your guests to the highest possible standard. Preparation and planning is paramount, so keeping in contact with your security services on all aspects of the event is something that should definitely look to do.

You should also take time to consider the kind of security you have on the door – the old style aggressive ‘if your name’s not down, you’re not coming in’ style of bouncer is thankfully a stereotype of days gone by in the security industry.

Nowadays, a good door security officer should be able to handle enquiries and deal with potential situations with minimal fuss. Of course security is primarily about protection, but that should never be to the detriment of personability or friendly demeanour.

Alcohol is a Factor to Consider

If your event is serving alcohol, then the security risk increases considerably, given that attendees under the influence are more prone to requiring assistance. So, how many security guards do you need per person for your event?

The general number for each event should be around 1 security per 150 people, but this halves in the event of alcohol being served, so factor this into your costs. It is essentially a judgement call in many cases, depending on the kind of event you plan to provide.

It may not always be that things are likely to spiral out of control when serving alcohol, but it’s important to consider the risks and decide whether or not it is the kind of event in which attendees are likely to consume a great deal of alcohol, or if it’s likely to be relatively calm.

As mentioned, a lot factors into what kind of event you want to host, whether it’s an exhibition, a concert, a product launch, a sporting event, or regarding a public demonstration – this will ultimately factor into how many security staff you need. The 1 per 150 is a generally good rule of thumb, though of course it’s worth making judgement calls as to whether you need that much, or if you need more.

You might also look into hiring stewards who can assist with extra supervision where needed. Though they lack the training of security guards in general, they can still be a huge part of your event if it happens to be larger. They are also likely to be first aid trained, which is a huge benefit. It would definitely be worth consulting your security company as to how stewards can assist, if needed.

How Much Will it all Cost?

Again, this will depend entirely on your needs, as well as the size and scale of your event. The best way in which to find out is to contact the security services directly and ask for a quote, providing as many details as you can.

It will also depend on the VIP factor – higher profile guests would require higher profile services. A high profile security guard may sound like an unnecessary expense compared to a standard one, but with increased risk comes increased need for security. You may need to even invest in other kinds of security, such as close protection security. But, what is close protection security?

Close Protection Security

Known generally as bodyguards, a Close Protection officer will protect your VIP guests from unwanted attention or physical harm, using risk assessments and discreet surveillance in order to do so. With all kinds of threats to security existing nowadays, it’s vital to be one step ahead.

VIP security services are essential for higher profile guests, as they provide a service on an individual level that general security is unable to do. Close Protection guards tend to have Commercial, Government, and Military backgrounds, and are trained to the highest level, meaning your special guests are in highly capable and safe hands.

Threats to consider could be anything from potential stalkers to terrorist organisations or organised crime. This is essentially another factor that will need to be taken into account when planning your event – how many high profile guests are likely to need a Close Protection guard. Your choice of security is crucial to ensuring your event runs smoothly, and that all potential risks are accounted for and minimised. The call is yours to make, though you can contact us for more information on how we can meet your needs.

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Event Security vs. Steward: What’s the Difference?
06 Sep 2022

The average number of spectators in the Football League Championship in 2017/2018 reached 20,489 people. Can you imagine this massive number of people in one place – without security and stewards to maintain their safety?  

Most of the time, security and stewards provided by event security companies are not given the credit they deserve. They are integral to maintaining safety in public events, such as football games, festivals, and concerts. 

Due to the similarities in their duties, it can be hard to differentiate event stewards from security personnel. We’ll now go into more detail regarding their differences and shared responsibilities. 

What Do Event Stewards and Security Personnel Have in Common? 

To start with, they both protect the event area and the public from potential accidents – or try to prevent them altogether. Their authority allows them to manage the attendees and maintain a safe environment. They are essentially authorized to secure different areas; however, they often work hand in hand. 

Event stewards often report to security staff for serious problems during the event. Vice versa, if the security sees an issue within the steward’s control, they point it out to them. 

Event Security

Event security staff must have the required training and obtain a license from the Security Industry Authority or SIA. They are trained to protect attendees, the property, or any valuables on site. Even security also helps with crowd control and detects potential criminal activities.

Before any event, careful planning is needed as each security team member must be strategically placed for the most optimal area coverage. If anything unexpected occurs during the event, event security must be able to reach the area and prevent the issue in the shortest time possible. They are always dressed in the same outfit and can be visibly differentiated from stewards. Event security teams are also fewer in number compared to stewards.

Responsibilities of Event Security Staff

Event security has a set of responsibilities that only they can carry out in any event, and some of those include:

  • Body and bag searches
  • Confiscating prohibited items during the event
  • Removing people from the event area
  • Guarding private areas and valuables
  • Guarding VIPs at the event
  • Coordinating counter-terrorism measures


Counter-terrorism, or anti-terrorism, has been a more recent problem. This has prompted the need to take preventive measures during event planning. Each event security personnel must be able to deal with counter-terrorism, and not all security guards have the required training to prevent terrorism. 

Many people think that only governmental institutions can fight against terrorist attacks, but the private sector is getting increasingly involved. The event security staff gets extra training to prepare for this situation, and official government facilities deliver the training.

Further security measures are taken for larger events attended by VIPs, or if there’s reasonable doubt of an attack. The police or other government forces will participate in providing safety during the event, together with the event security. 

Event Stewards

Even though event stewards can be volunteers, events often require the service of trained and skillful stewards.

Event stewards ensure the event runs smoothly. They deal directly with the spectators and manage any unacceptable behavior that might occur. The stewards are responsible for crowd control, ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

The number of stewards present at any event depends directly on the nature of the event and the number of people who will show up. This also relates to the required training the stewards undergo beforehand. 

Training for Stewards

For smaller events, you can rely on volunteer stewards with no previous training. This is because the crowd is easier to manage, and no special skills are required.

However, pre-trained stewards are a specific requirement for events that host numerous attendees, VIPs, and famous people. Their presence is also required for certain types of events where alcohol will be served. There are available courses for people who wish to acquire the title of trained steward.

Level 2 NVQ training in Spectator Safety or Level 2 NVQ training in Event Stewarding are two of the training courses a potential steward can enroll in. Many events provide their own training sessions for stewards prior to the day of the event.

Requirements for Becoming a Steward

The responsibilities of stewards last before, during, and after the event. A steward has to fulfill certain requirements, including:

  • Be above 18
  • Be fit and physically healthy
  • Have the required training
  • Know the event area well 
  • Wear the identifying jackets or west
  • Carry proper equipment with them

Responsibilities of a Steward

Stewards’ obligations may vary based on the event planner’s needs and preferences. Some of their duties include:

  • Visible presence at the event area at all times
  • Assisting the people at the event with any help they need
  • Checking tickets
  • Monitoring crowd movement to prevent any potential issues
  • Monitoring the car park
  • Reporting any potential safety issue
  • Reporting any damaged fixtures in the area
  • Updating Crowd Managers about the current situation 

Stewards are assigned a particular area during the event and are responsible for whatever happens within their section. Essentially, they’re in charge of managing and controlling crowd movement.

How to Reach Reliable Event Security Companies

Finding the right event security company with all the necessary licenses for the job and well-trained security staff and stewards can be challenging. You’ll also want to ensure they understand and meet your unique event security needs.

At All Time Security, we will provide you with precisely that – and more. We are an SIA-approved contractor for all kinds of security services like security guarding, door supervision, and close protection. We offer various security packages for business premises and events tailored to your needs and budget. 
If you have more questions about our services, don’t hesitate to contact us – we’d be happy to provide you with the best security solution.

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How to Secure Your Event: Tips from the Pros
08 Jul 2022

Events of all sizes can be targets for crime. UK’s Creamfields Festival, for example, reported 51 arrests over drugs, thefts, and assaults in 2018.

Event security companies have plenty of experience dealing with such situations. It’s best to consult a reputable security services provider to ensure that your event goes smoothly as possible.

Whether you’re putting on a small charity event or a large music festival, it’s crucial to have a security plan to keep your guests from harm’s way. While the thought of security can be daunting, there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure that your event goes off without a hitch.

Trusted security firms have experienced almost all possible scenarios and can provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing your event is protected. Consider these tips from the professionals on how to secure your next event:

Identify Potential Risks

Assessing potential risks will help you determine what security measures need to be in place prior to the event. Factors such as the event’s size, location, and type of crowd should all be considered.

A corporate event held during business hours in an office building will have different security needs than an all-night dance party in an abandoned warehouse. That’s why it’s important to be as specific as possible when identifying potential risks.

For example, instead of listing “theft” as a potential risk, you should identify what items are most likely to be stolen (i.e., purses, phones, wallets, etc.) and from what areas of the event (i.e., coat check, VIP section, etc.).

This will enable you to put the appropriate security measures in place and reduce the chances of something happening at your event.

Hire Professional Security Services

If you have the budget, experts recommend hiring professional security services. These individuals will have the experience and expertise to properly secure your event. 

When hiring security services, be sure to:

  • Get references and check them thoroughly
  • Verify that the company is licensed and insured
  • Make sure the security guards are properly trained
  • Provide the security company with a detailed event plan

Set Up Security Checkpoints

Security checkpoints are a standard security measure at events. They are an effective way to control entry and exit points and check for weapons and contraband.

When setting up security checkpoints, be sure to use metal detectors and/or wands, as well as have security guards pat down guests. You may also want to consider setting up bag checks or searches for extra measure.

Use Event Staff and Volunteers

In addition to professional security services, event staff and volunteers can also help secure your event. They can be stationed at strategic points around the event to help deter crime and assist with crowd control.

Be sure to provide your staff and volunteers with clear instructions on their roles and responsibilities. You may also want to consider providing them with training on handling difficult situations.

Install Surveillance Cameras

Aside from hiring security personnel, installing CCTV cameras can serve as your second pair of eyes. This is especially useful for larger events, as it can be challenging to keep track of everyone in a large crowd.

When installing surveillance cameras, place them in strategic locations around the event. They should also be properly labeled and visible to deter would-be criminals. Likewise, the security team should be ready to respond to any incidents caught on camera.

Create an Emergency Plan

Anything can happen at an event, so it is crucial to have an emergency plan to fall back on. Your plan should help you and your team effectively respond to any situation. It should include who to contact in case of an emergency and what the procedures are for evacuating the event.

Be Ready for Protesters

Some events may create controversy and attract protesters. While you have a right to free speech, you also have a responsibility to keep your guests safe.

If you’re expecting protesters at the event, inform your security team immediately so that necessary preparations can be taken. You may also want to consider setting up a designated protest area separate from the event itself. This way, protesters can voice their opinions without totally disrupting the event.

Keep Private Functions Private

If you are hosting a private event, be sure to take the necessary steps to keep it that way. Avoid disclosing every detail of the event on social media or other public platforms. It would help if you also were careful about who you give event tickets to.

If possible, have a list of invitees and check their names against ID at the door. You may also want to consider using a ticketing system that allows you to track who has accessed the event.

Take Into Account Cyber Threats

In today’s digital age, it is important to consider the possibility of cyber threats. Hackers can target your event website or social media accounts to attempt to steal personal information or disrupt your event.

To protect against these threats, use strong passwords and two-factor authentication. Consider using a secure event website or app to collect and store event information.

Keep Communication Channels Open

A crucial aspect of event security is communication. You should have a clear line of communication between you and your security team. This way, you can quickly and easily share information or relay instructions in the event of an emergency.

You should also have a way to communicate with guests should the need arise. This can be done through a PA system, text messages, or social media.

Have a Medical Response Team on Standby

Last but not the least, it is important to have a medical response team on standby in case of an emergency. This team should be able to provide first aid and other medical assistance as needed.

It may also be necessary to have a security team escort guests to the medical team in some cases. This is especially important if the event is large or potential safety risks are involved.

Work With a Reliable Event Security Service Team

While there are many things you can do to improve event security, working with a reliable security team is always the best option. A professional security team will have the experience and resources needed to keep your event safe and secure from start to finish. At All Time Security, we provide the highest level of protection for your event. We offer a wide range of services, including event security, surveillance, and crowd control. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you secure your next event.

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Professional Event Security Service in London
22 Nov 2021

Professional Event Security Service in London

London is the heart of the country. It’s where everything is happening and it is incredibly busy with locals and tourists from around the globe. The Tower of London, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye, are all popular places to visit in London.

So, it’s no wonder that organisations want to run their events in the country’s capital. There are, however, growing concerns over the security and safety of people at events in London. This ranges from people being a nuisance all the way to terrorism.

It has now become vital for event organisers to take these risks more seriously. It is just simply not good enough for events to have general employees or volunteers, who are not trained or equipped to take responsibility of ensuring the safety of staff and attendees.

Sensible organisers will take the initiative of instructing a professional and reputable security company that is ideally SIA approved. A security company that is SIA approved will have met the highest standards of service in the security industry thus providing organisers with the best service possible.

The event security company will analyse the scope and specifications of the event and then conduct a thorough risk assessment. They will identify risks and vulnerabilities prior to the event and look for ways to action preventative measures to eliminate or reduce any potential problems.

The security company will supply fully trained SIA security personnel to act as visual deterrent to criminals and reassurance for staff and attendees that they are in safe hands.

Security companies like All Time Security Ltd have been working in the security industry for many years will have extensive experience in securing both small scale and large scale events in London. ATS has an advantage of having its own SIA approved training centre, so all its security persons are regularly trained and upskilled on the latest industry standards.

In this day and age, organisers expect security personnel to be more than just security – they are a representative of the event and that’s why ATS ensures that all security guards are trained in providing great customer service. Guards have good knowledge of the event details and the area so they can confidently assist attendees with queries. They work with the event organisers to give attendees a safe and enjoyable experience.     

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How to secure your events in 2021
29 Oct 2020

How to secure your events in 2021

Events across the world have changed the way they operate. If the area that your event is being held is not in lockdown and it is open for guests to visit, then there are some strict government guidelines to follow and some good safety measures that should be considered. 

Social Distancing 

Although this is an obvious one, it is shocking to see how many venues are still not putting things in place to encourage people to maintain a safe distance from one another. 

Why is this important? This is a crucial step in keeping guests and staff safe during events. Although guests may not show obvious signs of having the virus, they may well be carrying and spreading the virus without even realising it. 

How can event organisers help ensure that social distancing is maintained? 

Covid19 specific signage. People have been used to seeing and reading signs for many years, “No Smoking” “No Entry” etc. Using Covid19 specific signs reminding people that they must maintain social distancing is a great way to keep people safe – including staff along with your staff. 

Instruct a security services provider to deploy professional security door staff. 

For many venues, especially in these unprecedented times, security is a must. Security service providers that are approved by the SIA, have security guards who are skilled and trained in managing crowds. 

This proves to be incredibly useful when trying to ensure that number of people present in the venue meet the government guidelines and that people are maintaining safe social distancing. 

Security service providers ensure that their security guards are upskilled on the latest guidelines to ensure that venues are not in breach of any old or recent laws due to Covid 19. 

Having a professional team ensuring that venues are following the law correctly, can save fines and prosecutions. 

If you are organising an event or have a venue, get in touch with All Time Security to see how they help.     

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Top 3 Security Tips for an event
23 May 2019

Top 3 Security Tips for an event

Whether you are a party or any other type of event organiser, there are some key security protocols that you should consider to ensure that your event runs smoothly and safely.

Risk assessment

One of the first things to consider when organising an event is to carry out a detailed inspection of the venue or area that the event will be held. This will help conduct a risk assessment.

Risk assessments help to identify possible issues and vulnerabilities. This will mean that you will get a better understanding of what security protocols you will require to keep your event safe and secure.

Security guards/Door supervisors

Events, where there will be a lot of people, can often mean that you need a measure of crowd control and entry management.

Professional Security staff are trained to ensure only authorised persons are permitted entrance into the event. This will reduce the risk of trouble being caused at the event.

SIA trained Security staff are also skilled in positioning themselves to cover vulnerable areas.   

Security patrols

Security staff are rehearsed in carrying out red routed and random patrols. This will include checking vulnerable areas, low light and high-risk areas. The patrols will include high-risk areas such as toilets and store rooms.

The patrols will include security identifying additional risks such as fire and leaks. Thus creating an overall safer environment.

Security staff make events much safer by offering:

  • A visual security presence
  • Access control
  • Searches (if required)
  • Wrist bands (if required)
  • Patrols
  • Red routes

Professional security guards are SIA approved, fire Marshall and First Aid trained.  

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event security
Benefits of Event Security
16 Mar 2019















Benefits of Event Security.

Every event planner will confirm the necessity of security, for not only the safekeeping of both the attendees and host or hosts but also the protection of the venue. Now, this may come as a surprise to many people looking to hire security for an event and weighing the benefits and elimination of safety hazards against the quoted costs – but the damage costs to venues that could be avoided can be in the thousands.

Do you really want to have to pay thousands of Your MONEY, to cut down a few hundred on Security, is it worth the risk?

Event security is a way to guarantee the protection and wellbeing of your: premises, assets, staff and visitors. They will be guarded by professional security guards, deployed by security providers, who will provide a number of security checks and other measures to ensure this. These security guards are qualified and trained to cover several duties including;

  • Providing a secure environment
  • Security patrolling
  • Access control
  • Fire safety and first aid

Security services save you from suffering, losses through theft or criminal damage and neutralize any safety threat almost immediately. Additionally, it will most likely cause people going to the event to be reassured and know that you have taken the precautionary steps to ensure the event runs smoothly. Security providers will also inform you of the likelihood of a threat and will, therefore making it easier for you to decide the amount of security you would need.

Providing a safe environment

Professional security guards ensure that people and venues are kept safe and secure. They are skilled in handling all types of situations, regardless of how difficult.

They are trained in conflict management and can help diffuse confrontations. Security guards also make certain that any hazards that may cause harm to people or damage to the premises.

Security patrolling

Security guards are trained to carry out regular patrols to make sure all is in order. This means that if there is a problem, including vandalism or any other act of criminality, they will be aware of it and will reduce the risk of damages.

Access control

Security will act as a robust access control team whereby they will only allow authorised people into the venue. This gives attendees the peace of mind that they will be safe at the event.

Security is also skilled in identifying various threats and prevent them at the entrance before they get a chance to enter the event. This includes weapons and any illegal drugs.

Fire Safety and First aid

SIA qualified security guards are also Fire Safety trained and first aid trained. This gives the event organisers the reassurance that they can deal with numerous possibilities and reduce risks.






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