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CCTV Remote Monitoring
3 Simple Ways of Securing Your Business In 2018
Advanced CCTV and Security Patrol Solutions for Businesses
28 Aug 2024

All Time Security is one of the leading security companies in the UK, offering expert business security solutions that can enhance business security, privacy, and safety. 

In this blog, we will explore All Time Security’s advanced CCTV solutions and security patrols and how they can benefit businesses in the UK. 

Keep reading to learn more about our business security solutions

Introduction to CCTV and Security Patrols

CCTV is an acronym for Closed-Circuit Television, and refers to video surveillance. A CCTV system involves broadcasts that are transmitted to a closed number of monitors. With CCTV solutions, you can monitor business activities remotely, allowing you to detect and deter criminal activities. 

Meanwhile, security patrols can come under security guard services, which involves groups (or an individual) of trained and experienced security personnel who patrol certain areas to deter crime and ensure security. 

Benefits of Combining CCTV and Patrols

Both security patrols and CCTV solutions have their own set of benefits for businesses, but combining them as one service (which is possible with All Time Security) can improve overall security and safety. 

In fact, here are some of the benefits that you can expect by combining both security patrols and CCTV remote monitoring

  • Deterring crime – Visible CCTV cameras and security guards patrolling the area can be effective in deterring criminals and intruders. Potential offenders are less likely to commit vandalism, theft, or other criminal acts within your business if they are aware of security cameras and guards. 
  • Evidence collection – Should an incident occur within your business, having CCTV cameras and security patrols guarantees that you have key evidence and witnesses to the crime/event. 
  • Fast and immediate action – By monitoring CCTV feeds remotely, while also having security personnel on the premises, any suspicious activity can be addressed swiftly and efficiently, as those watching the feeds can instantly report potential threats to the security guards on patrol. 
  • Increased safety – Being able to monitor for any potential threats and/or hazards can significantly improve the safety and wellbeing of both customers and employees, facilitating a secure and safe environment for all. 
  • Loss prevention – As your business can be monitored 24/7, as previously stated, this is likely to deter criminals. In turn, this can prevent the loss of expensive and important items or assets.

Latest Innovations in CCTV Technology

CCTV solutions continue to evolve, which only means that your business’s security is further ensured. Recent advancements in CCTV technology include better footage quality and smart features, making evidence collection and intruder detection easier. 

For example, you can now find many CCTV cameras designed with artificial intelligence (AI) and other smart features (motion tracking) which can provide clear and detailed footage, guaranteeing that crucial moments (and faces) are captured. 

Effective Security Patrol Strategies

When it comes to effective security patrols within a business, here are examples of practical strategies that can be implemented:

  • Fixed posts – This type of security patrol simply involves assigning a security guard to a specific post. They will be stationed at this location, and monitor the area from their post, serving as a visible crime deterrent. 
  • Random patrols Security patrols that are random consist of an individual or groups of security personnel following random and unpredictable routes throughout the business premises. This can make it impossible for potential intruders to predict the security patrol pattern. 
  • Routine patrols – Security guards will follow a predetermined route or schedule, designed to allow them to patrol specific areas at specific times. These schedules should be adjusted from time to time.

Protect Your Business with All Time Security’s Business Security Solutions 

All Time Security’s business security solutions, including our quality security patrols and CCTV monitoring can enhance your UK business’ security, ensuring the safety of not only your employees and customers, but also of any important assets or items within your business. 

From preventing loss to enabling swift responses, a combination of security patrols and CCTV solutions provides maximum security and protection for your business. When it comes to meeting your security needs, you can count on All Time Security and our comprehensive security services. 

Contact us today to learn more about our wide range of security solutions for your business, or for any further enquiries.

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Manned vs Remote Video Guarding: What’s the Difference?
19 Jan 2023

There was once a time when the concept of keeping business premises secure might have brought to mind the image of a night watchman patrolling a building while keys jangle at his side. Indeed, many organisations do continue to utilise manned, in-person security at their sites.

However, an increasing number of commercial functions have been performed remotely — as the world particularly saw during the COVID-19 pandemic. In recent times, it has become de rigueur to use apps on mobile devices for, say, collaborating and conferencing from a physical distance.

It therefore makes sense to transfer more and more business security responsibilities to the remote sphere. Now, admittedly, this prospect might start filling you with a sense of dread. Could some security holes start emerging as the transition process gets underway?

In truth, whether you opt for the traditional measure of hiring security guards or instead implement some kind of remote video guarding solution, both benefits and drawbacks can apply. It would thus be key for you to weigh up how these two security options compare on those fronts.

What is the traditional way of doing things with business security?

For a while, many businesses had only one type of security guard system available to them: one where at least one human security guard would remain in the vicinity to watch out for any signs of unusual activity and report back to the organisation itself if this did arise.

Though advances in technology have since enabled more and more businesses to start taking advantage of virtual guard systems, you shouldn’t be quick to scotch the worth of having manned guards — perhaps even in combination with remote ones — at your corporate base.

With a traditional human guard, you can arrange for them to remain physically present at the site for as long as you wish — though, naturally, the higher the number of hours you want them to be there, the more you could have to pay that guard for the privilege.

Still, a human guard can certainly be flexible. For example, you could have the same guard keep watch over multiple sites and undertake spot checks on a daily or nightly basis. This guard could stay at one site for just one shift before allowing a colleague to take over.

Even just the sight of a human guard can deter aspiring trespassers from attempting to enter the property — not least because, if security was indeed breached, there would obviously be someone there to immediately deal with the situation and, if necessary, call for backup.

While it would ultimately be up to you whether to have a 24/7 manned guard system or instead use human guards only at particular times, the former could give you personnel capable of signing for deliveries or authorising access for other contractors at otherwise awkward times.

The quality of the human guarding you do receive can depend on how you source it. All Time Security offers manned guarding services that comply with the British Standard for security guarding and are available to clients in either the private or public sector.

Our security agency is also approved by the Security Industry Authority (SIA), and can provide your organisation with a manned guarding system tailored to meet specific security needs. Our fully trained and vetted security officers can guard sites including: 

  • Building and construction sites 
  • Warehouses
  • Factories 
  • Public houses 
  • Car parks

Nonetheless, we acknowledge that human guarding can have its limits. For example, if an unexpected obstacle — like illness or bad weather — jeopardises a human guard’s efforts to turn up to work on time, your commercial security could be temporarily left vulnerable. 

Furthermore, the larger the site you need to secure, the higher the number of human guards you could need for it. This situation, in turn, can add prohibitively to the cost of a manned guarding system — but throwing remote video guarding into the mix could help dilute this expense.

What would remote video guarding entail?

Here is how remote video guarding works. CCTV cameras are strategically installed at various points around the premises — and, on a 24/7 basis, video from these cameras is fed to a remote base where security staff can watch the imagery in both live or recorded form. 

If the video flags up a security incident, responders can be sent to the site in order to act on the problem. Through utilising remote video guarding, you can keep constant watch over all areas  of a property — but at a far lower financial cost than doing so with human guards.

This basically means that, for smaller, newer organisations, remote video guarding can easily constitute a much better-value way of giving a business site comprehensive security coverage.

Just consider the example of our own CCTV remote monitoring service — where, once we have installed the required CCTV security system at the client’s workplace, an SIA-qualified CCTV operator can continuously monitor what is picked up by these cameras.

At any given time of day, night or year, there will be an operator keeping an eye on the numerous CCTV video feeds. Hence, you can have faith in your workplace’s security even when you are on a business trip, sleeping or on holiday.

One good reason for you to implement both manned guarding and remote video guarding solutions at your premises is that, if the remote CCTV operator does detect an on-site issue, they will be able to report this to the manned guards.

These security staffers can then immediately act to tackle the problem — enabling you to leverage practical benefits of both manned and remote guarding systems while reining in disadvantages that would usually be associated with either security measure when it is used in isolation. It is also worth pointing out that, when you draw upon the CCTV remote monitoring service from All Time Security in particular, you would be able to effectively use the solution in conjunction with our alarm response and key holding service. To enquire about any of our commercial security offerings, feel free to email us via

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Benefits of having CCTV installed in your premises
20 Jun 2019

CCTV blog

Many business owners now know of the huge benefits of having CCTV (Closed Circuit Television).

CCTV gives businesses the added bonus of monitoring their premises and the ability to review footage if required.

Where could this help?

This could really help if your premises get broken into. In the unfortunate event that your premises do get broken into, you will have the ability to review CCTV footage which may be incredibly valuable in catching the perpetrators – this footage can be given to the Police in evidence for criminal prosecutions and civil debt recovery.  

CCTV is also a clear and effective visual deterrent for prolific and opportunist thieves. Prolific thieves are usually people who premediate and plan their criminal act of breaking in and stealing money and valuable items, whereas opportunist thieves are people who have not planned to break in and commit an act of criminality but if they see a vulnerability or a clear opportunity, they will commit the crime.

CCTV is a way to deter both types of thieves – they will think twice before they break into premises that have CCTV installed. They know that there is a strong chance that they are being monitored and that they can get caught. They will also know that with CCTV evidence, they are more likely to get prosecuted for their crimes.

CCTV isn’t just good for preventing theft, it also catches people committing other acts of criminality, such as vandalism and arson. Many businesses suffer from vandalism, arson and industrial espionage. CCTV is an effective method to deter and catch people in the act.

The system can also be used to monitor leaks and other potential hazards that can cause losses to the business. If your CCTV is being monitored by a CCTV operator, they can use the cameras to pan in vulnerable areas to identify issues before they become big problems.

To add to the efficiency of such systems, there is also the option of having remote CCTV monitoring – this means that even if you do not have a dedicated CCTV operator on site who is using the cameras to monitor the premises, there is SIA approved CCTV operator monitoring the premises remotely from the CCTV control room. The benefit of having such a process is that the CCTV control room has immediate access to a pool of resources – this includes the emergency services and SIA trained rapid response units.    

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Security Cameras
Where are CCTV cameras commonly used?
24 Sep 2018
















Having CCTV cameras installed in businesses and homes is becoming increasingly popular. This is mainly due it being a great and affordable way of securing your premises and home.

CCTV Cameras and Equipment

Security companies that install CCTV cameras ensure that they are using reliable cameras, cables and recording devices that are of excellent quality. They make sure that any external cameras are weatherproof and robust. They are installed tightly and with heavy duty equipment to the exterior of buildings to ensure that can not be easily taken off or damaged.

CCTV cameras can have night vision, so they can see and record clearly even at night. This is incredibly important as criminals usually operate at night to avoid easy detection. But good cameras will catch all the action and store the evidence on a secure, high-quality recorder.

Installing CCTV Cameras

It is a good idea to get CCTV cameras installed by a professional security services provider as they have the right knowledge on what equipment is suitable for your specific requirements and will also provide you with the best advice as to where they should be placed.

Although cameras are a fantastic visual deterrent and can successfully reduce the risk of crimes occurring, they function as so much more. They are installed to provide you with better visibility. A CCTV camera installer will carry out a thorough survey of your premises and actively identify the best places to install them. These engineers are qualified in CCTV camera installation and have years of valuable experience in the field.

They will take the and size and type of building into consideration before devising a clear plan of where things will go. This will help ascertain what type of cameras will be required and how many. The good thing about having qualified and experienced engineers is that they will have a good understanding of electrics, wiring and will have the skills to properly and safely use
installation equipment. This means that you can rest assured that your CCTV equipment will be installed correctly
and safely.

Remote alarm and CCTV monitoring

Security service providers are always looking for ways to provide better, more efficient and cost-effective security solutions. One innovative method is offering a remote alarm and CCTV monitoring solution. This is where CCTV, and alarms if required, are installed in your premises and then smartly linked to a remote monitoring station.

The remote monitoring control room is a secure facility with restricted access. The room is manned by professionally trained and qualified CCTV operators who monitor your premises 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. This is a brilliant and affordable alternative to having 24 hour manned security guards.

All Time Security is a leading UK supplier of security services. Contact us today to find out more about our bespoke services

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Benefits of CCTV for Businesses
01 Aug 2018








Most business owners know that securing their premises is a must. There are many security services available, ranging from security guards, mobile security patrols all the way to CCTV security and CCTV remote monitoring.

Although you would hope that your business remains safe, there is a risk of burglary, vandalism and sabotage. To reduce this risk, it is important to conduct a risk assessment and put relevant security services in place.

Why is having CCTV security important?

CCTV security has become a crucial component in securing a building. This becomes even more important when the building is unoccupied. Most businesses premises are empty evenings, nights and weekends – leaving them vulnerable and not secure. Having CCTV cameras installed means that you can rest assured that your building is being watched and footage is being recorded. If an incident were to occur, it would be recorded and can be used as evidence to catch and prosecute perpetrators.

CCTV cameras are also a visual deterrent. If a potential thief or vandal becomes aware that your building is secure, they will be less likely to commit a criminal offence.

What to consider when getting CCTV camera installation     

If you do not have CCTV cameras installed and have realised the benefits of having them, you really need to be careful when finding a security service that provides installation.

A company like All Time Security is reputable, provides high quality CCTV equipment and has qualified, trained and experienced CCTV installation engineers.  ATS ensures that all its cameras are of high resolution for a high definition, crisp picture. This is crucial when identifying culprits in action. Also, the company will also make certain that all external cameras are robust, resilient against vandalism, have night vision and are weatherproof.

It is important that your installer is experienced and has engineers who are trained to do the job. Installing CCTV cameras is not as simple as dotting cameras all over the building at random. You need an experienced security services provider to complete a full survey of your premises. From this survey, they will strategically work out the best places to install the cameras.

ATS will:

  • identify the most vulnerable areas
  • look at any historical incidents and the areas in which they occurred
  • find blind spots
  • take into considerations all entrances and exits
  • secure all doors and windows
  • look at any garages and car parks

The security services provider will also look at areas of low lighting and will advise on how to increase visibility. Criminals feel comfortable in low lit areas where they think they cannot be seen. ATS works relentlessly in discovering and creating preventative measures.

CCTV Remote Monitoring

Another great way of securing your premises is to have a security services provider who can remotely monitor your CCTV cameras. Companies such as All Time Security have a 24-hour secure remote monitoring station. This is manned with qualified and skilled professionals who will keep a close eye on your premises.

Remote CCTV monitoring means that you can cut the cost of hiring a full-time security guard. You will still have the advantage of having professional security operators surveying your premises, but will still be able to prevent:

  • Theft
  • Vandalism
  • Industrial espionage
  • Leaks
  • Fires  

All Time Security is an SIA approved contractor for security services. Contact us today to find out how we can help with CCTV installation and remote monitoring for your business or home. Security services are important for the safety and protection of your business, so make sure you are prepared for any potential incidents.

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Does My Business Need CCTV Remote Monitoring?
11 Jun 2018













Everyone wants their business to be secure. You want to have the security and peace of mind that when the doors are locked and everyone has gone home for the day that there is something that would deter any potential intruder. Whether your business is based on an industrial estate in the countryside, or you have a large corporate work space, having an effective security package in place is essential. Perhaps the most important element of any security package is CCTV Remote Monitoring.

What is CCTV Remote Monitoring?

CCTV stands for ‘closed-circuit television’. CCTV offers a method for people to monitor their premises 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is a simpler and cheaper alternative to hiring manpower. A CCTV system will compromise of as many cameras as a security expert deems necessary, and is a great way to deter anyone from breaking and entering.

The Remote Monitoring aspect of this service means instead of just having cameras, you have a trained security supervisor, who is able to provide you with an essential off-site presence.

As a service, CCTV Remote Monitoring allows for a flexible plan to be put together based on the needs of the customer. Whether a small shop needs four cameras fitted to ensure all corners are covered, or a large office or warehouse requires a detailed network of CCTV cameras that are interconnected, there are no limits to what CCTV Remote Monitoring can achieve.

Here at All Time Security, we are an SIA Approved Contractor, complying with the British Standard for CCTVBS7958:2009. These accreditations show that we a more than capable of delivering professional CCTV Remote Monitoring services to a host of different sized business. Take a look at why you should choose us.

What are the advantages of having CCTV Remote Monitoring in a business?

The fact that there are businesses who continue to operate without a CCTV Remote Monitoring procedure in place is truly shocking, but it is still in fact the case. Every sector of security should incorporate CCTV into their budget, because the potential losses without it could be detrimental to a business. Here are just a few of the advantages of having Closed Circuit Television Remote Monitoring in your business:

Crime Deterrent

Although it’s a simple deterrent, but if a criminal notices a security camera system fitted to a business, they will be significantly discouraged from committing a potential crime and harming your business. Getting seen on CCTV means they face a higher chance of being caught and therefore deters them from proceeding.

Immediate Response

Unlike a simple CCTV security system, a CCTV Remote Monitoring service offers the chance for an immediate response if someone is partaking in criminal activities around your business. With highly trained security supervisors on hand to monitor CCTV 24/7, any intruder will be spotted instantly and the authorities contacted immediately.

Monitoring Workplace Activities

While not directly related to security, what a CCTV system also offers you is the chance to make sure you are always keeping tabs on what your employees and/or visitors are doing. With this, you are making sure all work is being completed, no short turns are being taken, you are protecting their best interests and also making sure you have a record of everything that is occurring in the workplace.

What businesses would CCTV Remote Monitoring be best suited to?

Every single business would benefit from CCTV Remote Monitoring. Whether you are after Retail Security, Commercial Security or Corporate Security, all businesses should consider the appeal of a CCTV system being implemented in their workplace. As a cost and resource effective security measure, you are not required to have any facilities on site, or do anything to the CCTV cameras that have been installed for your business.

A team of highly skilled security engineers will install your cameras for you, and once this is completed you just need to ensure that they stay turned on. With a remote security supervisor always having eyes on what the cameras are recording, you can simply sit back and relax, with peace of mind that your businesses security is covered.

What other security services should I consider?

This all depends on what the security needs of your business are. Every single business will have its own unique needs that would impact what services we would advise you to include within your security package.

Your security package can be tailored to ensure that CCTV Remote Monitoring is as effective as possible, with our Alarm Response and Keyholding service being most compatible. Another one of our services that would contribute to these two services to make a comprehensive security package would be Security Patrolling, which would help as an extra deterrent.

If you are interested in CCTV Remote Monitoring, or any of our other Security Services, Contact Us today to speak to one of our security professionals about the best tailored package for you.

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