
  • Security Guarding
  • Door Supervision
  • Event Security
  • Corporate Security
  • Concierge Security
  • Construction Site Security
  • Key Holding

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Preventing Retail Theft: Effective Strategies for Small Businesses
28 Aug 2024

If you own a small business, you might be wondering how you can improve your small business’s security, particularly when it comes to retail theft prevention

This is where All Time Security and our comprehensive services for small business security come in. 

In fact, in this blog, we will discuss the most effective strategies for preventing retail theft for small businesses! Join us as we explore effective retail theft prevention strategies.

Introduction to Retail Theft

Retail theft is a type of criminal act that involves an individual willfully concealing and taking possession of merchandise without paying for it. In the UK, this is also known as shoplifting. However, retail theft can also encompass other retail-related theft crimes which are committed by both employees and customers. 

Retail theft can significantly affect small businesses, especially as they are vulnerable to more losses than profits should retail theft occur. 

Common Theft Techniques and Their Impact

There are many ways in which thieves steal from small retail stores. This includes common theft techniques and methods such as:

  • Concealing items – Bags, coats, and even strollers could be used to hide stolen items, allowing thieves to leave the premises without much attention. 
  • Modifying tags and labels – Some thieves might use sneakier tactics, such as changing tags or labels of certain products (often those sold by weight like fruit), displaying a lower price.
  • Organised theft – In some cases, groups of thieves will work together to steal items from small businesses. This may involve one person distracting security or staff, and another slipping stolen property into their bag.

From cosmetics to accessories, businesses face the risk of retail theft each time that they open their doors. For small businesses, retail theft can have an even greater impact, particularly as covering for these losses can affect cash flow. 

Negative cash flow can lead to small businesses shutting their doors for good. As a result, it is important that there are effective retail theft prevention measures in place. 

Effective Theft Prevention Strategies

Effective retail theft prevention strategies that small businesses can implement include:

  • Optimise store layout – Making sure that you have full visibility of your store’s interior layout is key to preventing thieves from hiding or concealing stolen goods. Minimising blind spots and incorporating an open layout allows you and your staff to spot suspicious activity instantly. 
  • Secure items at risk – Items that are highly valuable, yet easy to conceal, such as watches and smartphones, are prone to theft. Securing these items, whether by adding a security tag or locking them inside a security box, can reduce the risk of theft. 
  • Implement visible retail theft deterrent – Visible security measures, such as CCTV cameras and security guards, can potentially deter thieves from attempting to steal from your small business. You may also want to consider simply putting up anti-theft signs and posters to warn thieves against stealing or shoplifting from your store.

Technology Solutions for Retail Security

Technology has a crucial role in enhancing small business security and preventing retail theft. At All Time Security, our retail security solutions are designed to enhance the security of retail businesses through professional and reliable security services, including remote CCTV monitoring and access control. 

With a CCTV system in place, you can be assured that your retail business is always being monitored, both deterring and preventing theft. Thieves are less likely to steal if they spot CCTV cameras within the premises. Access control systems can also restrict unauthorised persons from entering specific areas where stock may be held. 

Prevent Theft and Secure Your Retail Business with All Time Security

Small retail business owners should not overlook the importance of having suitable security measures to prevent retail theft. For professional and reliable small business security, All Time Security has got you covered. 

From security guard solutions to CCTV monitoring, we offer a wide range of security services for small businesses across the country. Minimise loss and deter crime with our small business security solutions. 

Learn more about our services and how we can help prevent retail theft for your small business by contacting us today. 


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The Importance of Reception Security in Modern Office Buildings
30 Jul 2024

Role of Reception Security in Offices

Reception areas play an important role in modern offices – they are not only the space where people form their first impressions of a company, but also a crucial component of the building’s overall security infrastructure. Reception security plays a vital role in safeguarding the premises, protecting sensitive information, and ensuring the safety of everyone who comes and goes within the building.

Reception security involves the strategic placement of personnel, technology, and protocols to manage and monitor access to the offices and other areas. As well as ensuring a welcoming, safe environment, this comprehensive approach helps to deter potential threats and prevent any unauthorised access. As businesses face increasing security challenges, the role of reception security has expanded beyond mere visitor management to encompass a wide range of protective measures.

Visitor Management

Managing visitors is one of the key responsibilities of reception security personnel; they are often the first face someone sees when they enter a building. Receptionists and security guards work together to verify the identity of visitors, issue passes, and ensure that guests are escorted to their destinations. This process helps to maintain a record of who enters and exits the building, reducing the risk of unauthorised individuals gaining access to sensitive areas.

Access Control

Reception security is integral to controlling access to the office building. By monitoring entry points and using access control systems such as keycards, codes, or biometric scanners, reception security ensures that only authorised personnel can enter restricted areas. This prevents unauthorised access, protecting critical business assets and confidential information.

Emergency Response

In the event of an emergency, reception security plays a key role in coordinating the response. Receptionists and security staff are often the first to identify emergencies, such as fire alarms, medical incidents, or security breaches. Their training enables them to act swiftly, guide all office occupants to safety, and liaise with any necessary emergency services to manage the situation.

Customer Service

While security is a primary focus, reception security personnel also contribute to the overall customer service experience. A friendly and professional reception team creates a positive first impression for visitors, clients, and employees. They provide assistance, answer queries, and ensure that people feel welcome and comfortable while maintaining a vigilant eye on security matters. Building up a rapport with the people they see everyday will also increase the likelihood of reporting any suspicious activity.

Benefits of Implementing Reception Security

Implementing robust reception security measures offers numerous benefits for office buildings. These advantages even extend beyond the realms of safety alone, contributing to the overall efficiency and reputation of an organisation.

  • Enhanced Safety and Security – The most obvious benefit of reception security is enhanced safety and security for employees, visitors, and assets. Competent office building security staff reduce the risk of theft, vandalism, and other security incidents. This creates a safer working environment and helps protect valuable company resources.
  • Improved Visitor Experience – A well-managed reception area with efficient security procedures enhances the visitor experience. Visitors appreciate the professionalism and organisation of a secure reception process – it reflects positively on the company, and allows them to relax while on your premises.
  • Risk Mitigation – Effective reception security mitigates various risks associated with unauthorised access, data breaches, and physical threats. By implementing stringent security protocols, companies can reduce the likelihood of security incidents and the damages and costs they can incur.
  • Compliance – Lots of industries have strict security regulations and compliance requirements revolving around security. Implementing comprehensive reception security measures ensures that these standards are met and enforced, avoiding potential legal issues in the future. 

Key Components of Effective Reception Security 

It is essential to implement several key components to make reception security effective and efficient.

Trained Security Personnel

The foundation of any office building security strategy is well-trained personnel. Receptionists and security staff should be trained in visitor management, access control, emergency response, and customer service. Their skills and vigilance are crucial in maintaining a secure and welcoming reception area, and their training should be regularly renewed.

Access Control Systems

Access control systems are vital for regulating entry to the building. Whether they use turnstiles and keycard systems, biometric scanners, or visitor management software to help track and control access, a business needs to be able to ensure that only authorised individuals enter restricted areas.

Surveillance Technology

CCTV cameras and motion detectors enhance reception security by providing continuous monitoring of the area and entry points. Security personnel can use these tools to identify and respond to potential threats quickly. Recorded footage can also be valuable for investigating security incidents.

Visitor Management Software

Visitor management software streamlines the check-in process and enhances security. This software allows receptionists to log visitor details, issue passes, and track visitor movements within the building. Digital records provide a valuable audit trail that can be reviewed if security concerns arise.

Clear Security Protocols

Establishing clear security protocols is essential for effective reception security. These protocols should outline procedures for visitor check-in, access control, emergency response, and reporting suspicious activities. Regular training and drills ensure that security personnel and employees are familiar with these protocols and can act accordingly.

Show security threats the door

In an office environment, reception security is more than a formality; it is a critical component of a comprehensive security strategy, necessary to keep visitors, clients and employees safe and well.

Improving your reception area security is the first step towards a safer and more productive workplace. As a SIA approved contractor, we can provide you with highly-trained reception security staff, as well as any other security personnel you may need. Get in touch today to find out more. 

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Integrating Security Patrols with Local Law Enforcement: A Collaborative Approach
11 Apr 2024

Visible and competent security services can make a world of difference in enhancing a feeling of safety in a workplace, event venue, accommodation or other public settings. When those security services are seen to be working alongside local law enforcement, it is even more of a comfort – and more off-putting to any would-be troublemakers. Let’s talk about how encouraging collaboration between your security patrol and law enforcement can provide mutual benefits for both organisations, and what you can do to foster a successful partnership. 

Why should collaboration be the goal?

It’s important to understand the context of the relationship between private security and public police forces in the UK. In recent times, private security firms have become more and more popular due to their versatility and specialisation. Meanwhile, public law enforcement has been facing difficulty due to challenges such as budget cuts and a concerning rise in crime rates 

Now that private security firms have the right kind of resources and training to hand, they are more equipped than ever to support (and be supported by) police forces in their shared goal of promoting public safety and preventing crime. This is preferable to the two forces being seen as opposing powers.

What benefits can you expect from integrating these agencies?

  • Enhanced public safety – the main goal of both private security and law enforcement should always be keeping people safe and protected. By working together to deter criminals, respond quickly to incidents and present a united front, public safety will benefit.  
  • Maximised resources – working together allows for the sharing of resources, whether this means personnel, intelligence, experience or equipment. This gives both teams a greater capacity to respond to any incidents that may arise. 
  • Improve information sharing and communication – by sharing information between each other, both security patrols and law enforcement will have a more comprehensive understanding of a situation and the potential threats to it. This makes decision-making easier and improves situational awareness. 
  • Collaborative responses to incidents – by being in a situation where they can respond to incidents as collaborative force, the risk of confusion or miscommunication is minimised. 
  • Increased deterrence – as always, there is safety in numbers. Security patrols and law enforcement working together serves as a very visible and intimidating deterrent to any criminals. 
  • More community engagement – public and private sectors being seen to work together with the shared goal of protecting the public is likely to encourage more community engagement for both forces, and build trust. 
  • Professional development  – joint training exercises and briefings, the sharing of skills and expertise, and the experience of working alongside each other is a great development opportunity for members of both forces. 

Where to start

Here are some of the key factors to consider when looking to integrate your private security patrol with local law enforcement. 

Defining roles and responsibilities

Your security personnel can only perform to the best of their ability when they have a clear understanding of exactly what is required of them in their role. Clarity regarding both the separate and shared responsibilities of security patrols and law enforcement is paramount to the seamless integration of their operations. Make sure protocols are well-defined and explain exactly how and when security personnel should escalate incidents to the police, and consider including transparent guidelines for interactions with law enforcement officers. By removing ambiguity, you enhance operational efficiency. 

Encourage the sharing of information

At a time when the sharing of information (both factual and false) is easier than ever, being able to effectively communicate data is essential to maintaining visibility in potentially dangerous situations. Protocols should be made clarifying how, when and why information is shared, for example CCTV footage, observations, or incident reports. Being able to leverage insights such as these in a collaborative way helps to strengthen collective responses to security threats. 

Make comprehensive response plans

All parties involved should know exactly how any emergency incident will be responded to. Plans should be made dictating clear procedures for a wide variety of possible incidents, as well as how incidents may escalate depending on the variables at play. Both parties should be agreed on the best practices and overall priorities when it comes to safeguarding lives and property. Failing to prepare these coordinate responses could have severe consequences.  


Of course, the integration of two such forces isn’t without its challenges. Cultural and organisational differences across the two sectors can impede the creation of protocols, and issues surrounding legal liability and the sharing of information can hinder the defining of roles and flow of communication. It’s important that any joint ventures are built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect, and that the shared goal of public safety comes before and pre-existing biases. 

An example

Here is an example of how a security patrol and local law enforcement working together can prevent a crime that hasn’t yet been committed. 

In this scenario, a private security patrol is monitoring a busy shopping centre during peak weekend hours. Security personnel notice a group of individuals who appear to be loitering outside of and paying close attention to an electronics store. They appear to be making efforts to conceal things within their clothing, avoid the gaze of security personnel, and hide their faces. 

This potential threat is communicated to a designated law enforcement liaison, with detailed descriptions of the individuals and their behaviour. This information is then shared with nearby police units to coordinate a response. Joint surveillance is then made possible, and the individuals are intercepted as they attempt a smash and grab robbery. 

The sharing of information and joint response to the threat helped to prevent unnecessary harm, damage, and financial losses. 

Enhance your security

If you’re looking for security patrol services, of for more information on how you can encourage collaboration between your security personnel and local law enforcement, reach out to our All Time Security experts today.  

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All-Time Security – Security Solutions for Local Businesses: Tailoring Services to Meet Oxfordshire’s Unique Needs
27 Feb 2024

Local businesses in Oxfordshire are invaluable to the local economy, spurring employment and providing much needed goods and services. But, because local businesses often don’t consider ramping up their security like their conglomerate-level counterparts, they leave their assets and employees vulnerable. 

However safe you may consider your location in Oxfordshire to be, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. To this end, we at All Time Security are well-prepared to provide expert security solutions for local businesses in this area. Our security services are complete; from around-the-clock CCTV monitoring to door supervision and a concierge, our clients can depend on our expertise.

As one of the most reputable security companies in Oxfordshire, trust us to tailor our professional services to meet your business’s unique needs. In the meantime, read on for more information about potential security challenges in Oxfordshire, and how we help you nip these challenges in the bud before problems even arise.

What security challenges might your Oxfordshire business face?

There are a variety of security challenges that your Oxfordshire business might face, even when operations have been smooth sailing so far. Local businesses are often susceptible to theft, to the extent that 11% of UK business premises experience this crime more than once a day. Violence and anti-social behaviour may also be a concern, particularly if your business is open till the late hours. Read on for more security challenges that could disrupt the day-to-day running, and – beyond that – even the success of your business, below:

Employee Theft

As unpleasant as it is to consider, employees also pose an internal security challenge to a business. Theft is unfortunately commonplace, and if your business maintains a digital presence, the potential for data breaches is also strong. Implementing in-person and technological security measures is best to catch employee-related challenges before they become a detrimental concern.

Vandalism and Property Damage

Vandalism and property damage a major security concerns facing businesses in Oxfordshire – even if you implement recommended security measures like locks, biometric access, shutters, barred windows and more. Not only can security cameras help deter malicious vandals, but the tangible presence of security personnel acts as a more efficient deterrent.

Employee Safety Concerns

Local businesses in Oxfordshire have a responsibility to keep their employees safe. During their shift, employees face a variety of safety challenges, many of which are related to the handling of cash, managing customers, and fending off potential hazards like electricity and fire. Businesses without emergency exits, fire alarms, good lighting and reliable security personnel place their employees at exponential risk. 


There are various security and privacy regulations that local businesses must meet daily. Failure to implement certain security measures in your business – like CCTV monitoring or even appropriate shutters and locks – could not only lead to damage and theft of your property but various legal consequences. As a result. falling short of governmental regulations becomes a security challenge in more ways than one.

Unsecured Premises

Security companies in Oxfordshire exist to mitigate the dangers of unsecured business premises. If your local business has inadequate locks, poor lighting in vulnerable areas, weakened or inadequate fencing; these are vulnerabilities that can be exploited for criminal purposes. It is also worrying for employees who must close these premises on a night shift and opens up a host of legal concerns if a business were to be broken into after hours. 

The professionals at All Time Security have often advised on additional security measures to further secure Oxfordshire businesses.

How we can help you mitigate these security risks

Though the security challenges described above can sound very intimidating, and, for some local businesses in Oxfordshire, insurmountable to overcome, the team at All Time Security can absolutely help you mitigate these security risks. As an SIA-approved contractor – in all aspects of our staff, policies and procedures – we are perfectly equipped and trained to provide our Oxfordshire clientele with the following tailorable security solutions:

  • Concierge Services – The first point of contact between a customer and your business, our concierge security guards deliver a first-class service that involves supporting your customers with appropriate and professional assistance, and, significantly, halting potential security risks at the front door.
  • CCTV Remote Monitoring – When a significant in-person security presence may deter customers or your business is shut for the night, we offer 24/7/365 CCTV remote monitoring, operated in tandem with motion sensors and a direct link to manned guards and emergency services if a situation requires it.
  • Alarm Response & Key Holding – Our alarm systems are properly installed by experienced engineers, and when triggered, an on-duty alarm response security will immediately respond to the breach. We can also provide key holding in case of emergencies, and also if your business requires around-the-clock assistance. 
  • Manned Security Guards – Whether for door supervision or security patrol, we provide qualified and vetted manned security guards to keep your Oxfordshire business safe. This is suitable for businesses of all kinds; retail, corporate, industrial or even a construction site.

We are also well-known for our retail security services, corporate and commercial services, event security, educational campus care and more. Whatever local business you operate, we have the preventative measures required to deter and eradicate all potential security challenges. Our client satisfaction across Oxfordshire and beyond testifies to this. 

The benefits of choosing a local security provider

At All Time Security, we understand Oxfordshire’s unique needs and challenges as a local security provider. We know the area and the community well and have always made sure our employees are trained in the latest security industry standards. This ensures we can meet Oxfordshire’s distinct requirements with the utmost care, efficiency and adaptability; rest assured, our personnel work tirelessly to raise your security measures to the highest degree.

An often-overlooked benefit of choosing a local security provider from the security companies in Oxfordshire is also our potential to deliver quick response times in case of emergencies. Though part of our complete security services includes the provision of door supervision, in the case that businesses contract us for CCTV monitoring or key holding alone, we are always ready to dispatch personnel to prevent theft, vandalism and anti-social behaviour. 

For more information about All Time Security and our Oxfordshire-centric security solutions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our team. Explore our robust range of customisable security services, here.

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complete security solution
The Top Security Concerns for Businesses in Milton Keynes and How to Address Them
08 Nov 2023

As a business owner in Milton Keynes, it would be no surprise that there are numerous security challenges that your business could encounter. From potential theft to vandalism, there are multiple security risks to be aware of. However, with these concerns in mind, how can they be addressed?

If you’re looking for the answer to this question, you have come to the right place! In this blog, we will explore the top security concerns for businesses in Milton Keynes and how you can address them without compromising the quality of your business’ services.

So, without further ado, let’s get right to it!

Burglary Prevention

If you own a retail business, chances are you could become a target of theft. No matter your inventory, you will always be at risk of theft, especially if your storefront is situated in a shifty area. This could result in a loss of stock and valuables, which can negatively impact not only your cash flow, but also your business as a whole.

Negative cash flow can lead to more problems down the road, which is why it is important that you have burglary prevention measures in place to prevent possible theft in the future.

Access Control

Intruders and/or unauthorised people could easily walk in and around your business, perhaps with the intention to steal goods (or even confidential/sensitive business information) or simply vandalise the premises. This can be devastating for your business, regardless of the type of business that you own.

Limiting who has access to which areas of your property is a great way to minimise the risk of
unauthorised access.

Employee Safety

Businesses will no doubt have a number of employees present throughout their operating hours. From 1 employee to 100, employee safety should be prioritised alongside customer or visitor safety. Employees should feel safe within the premises, but without adequate security measures, you could be putting them in danger.

For example, burglars could break into your property and threaten your employees and customers. Or perhaps your employees simply don’t know what to do in the event that they witness someone shoplifting. Unruly patrons could also be harassing your employees.

Door Screening

Limiting access to your establishment is a step towards preventing crime and boosting your security – this is especially key for businesses with age restrictions (bars, clubs, etc.). Disorderly patrons can be
instantly spotted at the door, but if there is no security there, they can simply continue their turbulent
behaviour inside the premises. Not only can this lead to potential violence, but it can also stain your
business’ reputation.

Addressing These Concerns

The important question is: what can you do to address these security concerns?

We have got the answer for you: All Time Security’s first class security services in Milton Keynes!

As one of the few SIA-approved (in 5 areas) contractors within the country, you can count on us for your business security needs. Our comprehensive security services in Milton Keynes can be tailored to accommodate your specific business requirements and needs, ensuring that you are provided with the best level of security that is needed.

With the aforementioned security concerns in mind, here is how All Time Security and our security services in Milton Keynes can help:

  • Burglary prevention – All Time Security guards and CCTV monitoring can help with deterring burglary and theft by highlighting your business’ security presence; this can prevent thieves or burglars from attempting to steal from your business
  • Access control – our access control systems enable you to gain control over who can and cannot enter which areas of the property, allowing you to manage authorised and unauthorised access
  • Employee safety – our trained security guards, patrols and even concierge or reception security can provide employees with peace of mind in knowing that there are skilled security professionals present to help and protect them should an incident occur
  • Door screening – with our door supervision services, you can place one of our personnel at the entrance of your business with the task of screening anyone who wishes to enter; this can help spot underage or inebriated persons and prevent them from going inside

Why Choose ATS security services in Milton Keynes?

With our exceptional security services in Milton Keynes, you are guaranteed professional security solutions, designed to protect your business at all fronts. In fact, here are several benefits to take into account when you choose to work with us:

  • Skilled and trained security personnel – our staff are intensively trained and hold SIA accreditations; they can adapt to any situation at hand, so you can rely on them for your security needs
  • Customisable security package – pick and choose which security solutions you would like for your business
  • SIA approved in door supervising, key holding, security guarding, close protection, and
    – you can expect our services to be of phenomenal standards
  • Trustworthy and reliable security firm – we are dedicated to ensuring that our clients feel safe, comfortable and protected; our services are always dependable and efficient as we are always reviewing our services to identify areas of improvement
  • Affordable solutions – our prices are competitive and it is unlikely that you will find a better price anywhere else; a free no-obligation quote can be requested by getting in touch
  • High quality equipment – sometimes equipment is needed as part of our bespoke security services, which is why we ensure that we are supplied with the right tools for the job at hand, including radios, high visibility clothing, and more

Implementing Tailored Security Solutions with All Time Security

If you own a business in Milton Keynes, security should be a top priority, not only to protect the wellbeing of your employees and customers, but also to safeguard your property and goods or anything valuable within it. Enhancing your security can lead to a wide range of benefits that could contribute to the success of your business.

So, what are you waiting for?

All Time Security’s comprehensive security services in Milton Keynes are exactly what your business needs for excellent crime prevention. For more information on our offerings, or if you have any further questions about our security solutions in Milton Keynes, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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Security service providers have the knowledge, resources and trained staff to provide a suitable and effective security solution.
Choosing the Right Security Company for Your Business: Factors to Consider in Reading

Owning a business in Reading means that you need to be prepared for the security risks that come with it. However, with numerous security companies in Reading to choose from, how can you determine which one is the right one for you and your business?

Why Have a SIA company?

In this blog, we will explore choosing the right security company for you, especially in terms of the factors that you need to consider to help inform your final decision.

Let’s jump right into it!

Experience and Reputation

A key factor that you should take into account is the experience and reputation of the security companies in Reading that you are looking into. For example, it might be worthwhile asking yourself the following questions as you search for the perfect security company:

  • How many years of experience in the security industry do they have?
  • Are they accredited?
  • What is their reputation like?

With the above questions in mind, it is a good idea to research more about the various security companies in Reading in order to shortlist the ones that stand out the most.

All Time Security’s Experience and Reputation

At All Time Security, we have been providing high quality security solutions for businesses across the UK for multiple years, meaning that you can rest assured that we are experienced and are experts at what we do.

As SIA-approved contractors in 5 fields (one of the few security firms in the country to be able to boast about this!), our services are guaranteed to be delivered to the highest standards.

Plus, we even have an ISO 9001 accreditation and are an approved Safe Contractor, which means that your business is always in safe hands when you choose to work with us.

Range of Services Offered

Alongside their experience and expertise, you should also look for the range of services that the company offers. These are the questions to think about:

  • Do they provide the services that my business needs?
  • What is included in their offerings?
  • Can their range of services accommodate my business’ specific requirements?/Can their services be customised?

All Time Security Services

All Time Security offers a wide collection of security services for businesses in Reading. This includes security solutions such as:

  • CCTV monitoring
  • Door supervision
  • Security guarding
  • Key holding
  • Alarm response
  • Patrols
  • And more…

Regardless of whether you own a retail shop or a bar, All Time Security offers exceptional security services to help protect and safeguard your business’ patrons, assets, and employees.

We offer a standard comprehensive security package, which is suitable for a vast array of businesses, but you also have the opportunity to pick and choose the security solutions you wish to implement for your business. This means that we offer bespoke security services that cater towards your every need.

Qualifications and Training of Security Personnel

Another crucial factor to consider is the qualifications and training of the security personnel under the security firm. After all, it will be these personnel who will be protecting your business. You need to investigate the answers to questions such as:

  • How are the security personnel trained?
  • What qualifications do the security personnel have?
  • Are the security personnel properly vetted and screened?
  • How professional are the security personnel?

Knowing the answers to the above questions can help you determine whether that security company is right for your business. You have to make sure that the people you are putting your trust in to protect your business are reliable and skilled.

The All Time Security Team

All Time Security’s personnel are highly trained and skilled for the task at hand. With quality in-house training, we make sure that we dispatch only the best personnel for your business needs, ensuring that they deliver professional services that meet the demands of your business.

This means that regardless of whether you require front of house/concierge security to greet guests, or corporate security for your offices, the All Time Security team is well equipped with the knowledge, training, and expertise to get the job done effectively. All of our personnel undergo strict vetting procedures before being accepted into our company, so we source only the most suitable candidates to be part of the All Time Security team.

Client Testimonials

When you purchase a product, it is highly likely that you read the reviews first – and this is applicable to finding the best security company for your business in Reading as well! Reviews are an excellent way to get a feel of how other customers perceive the company, especially once they have experienced the company’s services.

Not only can reviews help you better understand whether the security firm is right for you, but you also get a glimpse into how they can help your business in terms of enhancing security and safety.

All Time Security Reviews

Don’t just trust our word for it, trust our clients! Read our customer reviews on our website to see what our clients have to say about our security services. Just a heads up – you will find that most, if not all, of them are 5 star reviews that recommend and approve our services.

If that is not enough to finalise your decision in choosing All Time Security for your business in Reading, feel free to speak to us should you have any questions regarding our services!

Choose All Time Security for Your Business Security Needs in Reading

As one of the leading security companies in Reading, you can rely on All Time Security and our collection of security services to effectively protect your business, including persons and goods within the premises. With comprehensive security solutions that can be tailored to meet the demands of your business, All Time Security is the security company to turn to in Reading.

Prevent and deter crime and improve the safety and security of goods, valuables, employees, and customers when you choose All Time Security to protect your business in Reading.

For more information on our offerings, or if you have any further questions about our services in Reading, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the All Time Security team today.

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What is keyholding security?
21 Apr 2023

In a nutshell, key holding security is a professional service whereby the servicers are contracted to hold a set of keys to your property. Keyholding is usually coupled with an alarm response so that in the event of an alarm activation, the keyholder will be alerted.

Then, the keyholder will be able to dispatch a team of security to investigate the alarm activation and respond appropriately; whether that be calling the emergency services or securing the property. Afterwards, a report will be sent your way of the call out.

Let’s explore deeper into what a key holder does and how it can benefit your business.

What is a keyholder?

The keyholder is the assigned person that holds the keys to a property in case of emergencies. An example of an emergency could be a burglar alarm being activated, meaning that the keyholder must investigate the trigger.

Keyholders are necessary because in many industries it is a requirement that one person must be able to access the premises at any given time.

There are two types of people who can become your keyholder, either a security professional or an individual in your company.

Please be aware that if you choose to assign someone from your company as the keyholder, then you have a legal duty of care to them. If anything bad were to happen to them whilst in the role of the keyholder, your company could be fined or imprisoned under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007, which came into force on 6th April 2008.

With this in mind, we recommend that you hire a professional keyholding service. If your alarm was to sound then a professional key-holding security member would be sent out to your property immediately to investigate and resolve the issue.

The perks of letting a professional key holding service take care of things for you is that the security partner will be SIA accredited with vast experience on their back, being specifically trained in dealing with serious or threatening incidents which may occur.

If the emergency services need to get involved they will call them out. But most importantly, they will ensure that your property is secured and safe.

Why do you need a keyholding service?

Using a key holding service will keep your business, your property and your people safe and secure. Various advantages of using a keyholding service include:

  • Prevents false alarms
  • Quick response time
  • No stressing
  • Accurate investigations
  • Appropriate action taken

Which industries can benefit from a key holding service?

The majority of industries would benefit from a key holding service, these include but are not limited to:

  • Hospitality
  • Retail
  • Warehouses
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Offices
  • Construction
  • Factories

Whether you own a DIY store, run a nursery or healthcare clinic, you will vastly benefit from a key holding service. Key holding security is beneficial for the majority of industries.

What is keyholding and how does the keyholding process work?

When hiring a key holding service, the key holding company will first come out to your business for a premises inspection. During this inspection, they will get familiar with the property, which includes looking at the functionality of any alarms and getting an understanding of the potential protocol which might take place in an emergency scenario.

Next, as the business owner you will hand over a set of keys to the security partner. It is the responsibility of the new key holder to store these keys in a secure location, and they are only to be used in the case of an emergency.

In the emergency event of a burglar, fire or another type of intruder and your property’s emergency alarm is raised, the key holder will come to the premises with the keys, and enter the property, where they would then conduct a full investigation.

If it is a false alarm, the key holder will reset your alarm, and secure the property safely. After this, they would simply restore the keys to their original secure location.

In the case of a real emergency, such as an intruder or a fire, the key-holding security professional will follow the protocol established upon their initial visit. Usually, this involves ringing emergency services as well as the business owner, to gain control of the situation.

Regardless of whether the incident was an emergency or a false alarm, the security partner would always follow up with a report on the incident which you would receive by email within 24 hours of the incident occurring.

Advantages of a key holding service

We believe that key holding is an absolutely vital service for your business, with many advantages.

What are the advantages?
  • Save money on on-site security

On-site security can be expensive, so by making use of a key holding service you can increase the protection of your business without spending a fortune on a security team who works outside of office hours.

  • Peace of mind

Gone will be the days whereby you worry about potential intruders, or something going wrong on the premises whilst you are not there. Your key holder will be available immediately for any issues which may occur.

  • Less stress for your employees

With a lot of businesses designating the key holding role to one of their employees, by putting this responsibility in the hands of the key holding service instead, you can take this burden away from your staff.

  • Well-trained security

By utilising a professional key holding service, you are placing the best possible individual to deal with an emergency situation because they have been accredited by the SIA and therefore have the appropriate training to deal with the emergency.

  • Your own safety

When your alarm goes off, there is a chance that your property is under threat from someone who may be unsafe to approach. If you were to attend this scenario, you could be putting yourself at risk. However, by utilising a professional key holder, as a trained professional they can take on this risk for you; Get in touch with us today to enquire about how we can enhance the security of your premises.

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Guide to Festival Security

As the summer season approaches, festivals are beginning to emerge. Whether you are attending a festival, or planning to organise one yourself, the consideration of festival security is vital. Yet, what exactly is festival security?

Festival security is the security provided at a festival. This includes security guards, security dogs and security cameras.

Being extremely crowded places, festivals tend to have unpredictable events occurring throughout the event which is why security services are so important for the safety of all attendees and staff. Festival security services go much further than offering a physical presence of security guards, it’s all about a variety of factors that need to be carefully considered as part of taking your guests and visitors’ safety seriously.

This article explores event security services, the use of security at festivals and what security guards can do.

What is the role of security at a festival?

Security guards working at festivals will have a range of duties, including, but not limited to:

  • Conducting bag searches upon entry to the festival
  • Ensuring the safety of all guests and festival staff
  • Crowd control management
  • Helping attendees with enquiries or issues
  • Patrolling around the event
  • Looking out for anti-social or dangerous behaviour and dealing with it appropriately

Can a festival run without security?

Without festival security, your attendees and staff members would be at risk of crime, making it an unsafe event, which is why security is vital for running a safe and secure festival.

Security guards have the capacity to prevent crime, therefore protecting everyone attending the event.

Security guards are allowed to use a reasonable degree of force to detain or eject you from a festival if necessary.

How many security guards are needed for a festival?

Dependent on the number of attendants of the festival, the number of security guards needed will vary.

Glastonbury is known as the largest outdoor music festival in the UK, hosting 210,000 attendees. In 2019, Police records indicated that there were 214 crimes recorded at the festival and 25 arrests were made. Without the help of security, this event could have been very unsafe.

When planning for festival security, it is essential that you consider the ratio of guards to guests.

A festival of up to 250 people may only need a team of 12 security guards, whilst festivals over 1000 guests will require a larger security team.

The safest way to work out how many guards you will need for your festival is to get in touch with a festival security company for advice.

Regardless of the size of your festival, it is essential to have a reliable security team for the safety of everyone attending.

What are the different types of security needed?

There is a range of security guards that a festival organiser might need to hire to help protect attendees. Some of these may be general guards, bodyguards, gatekeepers, crowd control, mobile control and armed guards.

Event Security Bodyguards are an essential part of any security service, acting as the backbone across your event space and event grounds. Bodyguards can come in various forms as part of a security package for events such as festivals, sporting events and public gatherings.

Security patrolling is perhaps the most essential of all security services for events, as they remain a consistent presence at all times.

Event security guards go much further than being simply a physical presence, it’s all about a variety of factors that need to be carefully considered as part of taking your guests and visitors’ safety seriously.

All of these offer a different purpose, but the goal is to keep all attendees safe whilst still ensuring attendees can enjoy themselves.

Surveillance is another form of security needed for festivals. Security teams should monitor CCTV from control rooms and dispatch guards to necessary locations.

How can security assist with festival queues?

Festival security services should offer security barriers throughout the festival queuing area that can aid with queues. These barriers guide guests in the right direction to go, creating a steady and safer flow of traffic.

On top of this, by placing security guards close to the queuing area they can answer guest queries, call out anti-social behaviour and offer assistance with directions.

Can security guards at festivals conduct searches?

Security guards have the right to search attendees whilst they are entering a festival. These searches tend to look for prohibited items such as drugs and alcohol and involve the security guard searching through your bag or pockets. Security guards are allowed to confiscate any illegal items they find.

However, a security guard can only search you if you consent. If you don’t consent, then they have the right to refuse your entry to the festival,

Security dogs, also known as sniffer dogs, are sometimes used upon entry to try to seek out these prohibited items.

Security guards don’t have the right to check a person’s underwear for hidden items as this can be considered assault.

To ensure that only ticket holders manage to access the premises, ticket checking is usually carried out manually by security guards,  as well as through barcode scanning.

How much does festival security cost?

There is no black-and-white answer to how much it will cost to hire security guards and pay for other security factors for your festival. This is because the factors are dependent on the size of your festival, the location of your festival and the length of your festival.

For advice on what the cost of security will likely be for your festival, get in touch with a festival security company for a quote. Try to provide us with as much information as possible so that w can tailor our service to your needs. To find out more about how we can keep you safe at your next festival, get in touch with us today. In need of the best event security services available? Contact our team at All Time Security today to book a risk assessment and get a quote from our experts.

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Security Threats Faced By the Retail Industry
14 Feb 2023

If you have long worked in the UK retail industry, you will know that it has faced a challenging few years, with all but ‘essential’ shops having kept their physical doors shut for lengthy periods during the COVID-19 pandemic, before rising energy costs started to bite as well.

However, even just looking at the security aspect, it is clear that many retailers are continuing to have a tough time. 

What follows is an informative rundown of various security threats still blighting the industry, but also a few pointers for how these issues can be handled without dragging down British retailers’ operational prowess.

Theft of physical items 

While physical goods stocked by your company can obviously be stolen even when kept for lengthy periods in a warehouse, they can be especially vulnerable to theft when left on shelves at bricks-and-mortar retail premises which members of the public can visit.

Fortunately, though, there are still various means of countering this theft threat. For a start, you could arrange for CCTV video monitoring equipment to be installed at the site, allowing a security specialist to remotely keep watch over it through a network of onsite cameras.

Even something as seemingly rudimentary as putting up ‘shoplifters will be prosecuted’ signs can work surprisingly well at deterring would-be thieves.

Cyber attacks

As online shopping has grown in popularity, retail businesses have bulked out their e-commerce infrastructure to suit. However, this trend has thrown up new security challenges, as it has given many criminals new avenues for bypassing companies’ defences.

One classic example of a cyber attack is phishing, a form of social engineering where attackers send emails purporting to have originated from reputable individuals or organisations — the ultimate aim here being to induce recipients to reveal sensitive details like credit card numbers.

However, many other types of cyber attack abound — including distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on companies’ servers and hacking into physical point-of-sale (POS) systems.

Retail employee impersonation 

Of course, retail personnel are often targeted by phishing attempts because these people have privileged access to sensitive data within the organisation. As retail workers also see it as good practice to be helpful, social engineers can take advantage of this.

They might do this by impersonating executives or, if the retail organisation has multiple locations, employees visiting from one of the other locations. The targeted employee could then be asked to do something for which they actually lack authorisation from a genuine manager of the company.

It’s easy to see why this trick can work if the company has an especially large network of stores with hundreds of employees between them, as many of a store’s employees might not be familiar with specific workers from other stores within the same network.

Risks arising from third-party infrastructure 

When people buy from your retail organisation, how do they pay? You might be understandably eager to keep this payment process as streamlined as possible — since, otherwise, too many potential customers of your business could be put off buying from it.

You might have gone as far as implementing a payment system from a third-party vendor. After all, if they have done all the hard work of figuring out how to strip supposedly superfluous flab from the payment process, why should you have to do that work yourself?

However, one big problem here is that many potential layers of security — like two-factor authentication — will have been left out of the system as well. Hence, cyber criminals could too easily exploit it and leave your business in the lurch.

Natural disasters

Of course, natural disasters — like severe storms and floods — have always been a possibility and therefore a threat, and not just to retailers. However, climate change has made freak weather occurrences increasingly common in recent years.

Extreme weather patterns can hamper the safety of your company’s consumers and employees, not to mention throw supply chains into disarray. However, natural disasters can also damage physical infrastructure on which your business heavily relies. 

For example, they often cause power cuts — with adverse implications for those retail outlets, like food stores, that stock perishables.

Injuries to employees and customers 

A retail business that sells its goods only online is obviously unlikely to pose any major risk to customers’ physical health. However, employees of your business could still potentially pick up injuries as a result of, say, slipping on a wet floor of a warehouse where they work.

Now, a wet floor isn’t exactly what you might call a security risk. However, if you are nonchalant on the security side of things, there can remain the risk of violence being inflicted upon workers and — if your company indeed has a bricks-and-mortar presence — customers.

You can reduce this particular risk by hiring security guards who can deter people from committing acts of violence on a shop floor and will know what to do if this violence does happen.

Geopolitical instability 

In recent years, more retailers have had to reassess their logistics arrangements to figure out how to adjust them in light of daunting geopolitical developments.

Perhaps your own business has recently closed stores or even abandoned entire markets due to operational challenges brought about by — for example — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Many aspects of the retail sector — including manufacturing, supply chains, and international trade — have been negatively affected by contemporary issues.

How can retailers overcome a wide array of security challenges? 

With the world having become more volatile, you could easily wonder how your company would be able to continue confidently meeting its security responsibilities.

However, you could take inspiration from those companies that have handed many of their own security duties over to specialist security firms like All Time Security.

The security services that we offer for UK retail outlets on the high street and in shopping parks and shopping centres include manned security guarding and CCTV remote monitoring. To learn more about these retail security solutions and how your UK-based business could utilise any of them, please get in touch with us by phoning 01494 511222.

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How Your Business Can Benefit from Outsourced Security Services
09 Nov 2022

Securing your business against physical or cyber threats has become more critical than ever. With the rising trend of companies using security service agencies, the market size of the Security System Services industry in the UK has grown by 2.0% in the last five years.

Many businesses are becoming aware of possible security perils during operating hours. This has led to an increase in the demand for reliable security service agencies.

Instead of training in-house staff to perform security tasks, your business can stay afloat by adopting a more innovative, cost-efficient method for securing your business premises.

Let’s uncover some of the benefits your business can use if you choose to outsource security services.

Why Outsource Security Services

Whether you are a business owner operating from a brick-and-mortar facility, or a remote business, having well-rounded security can benefit your business in more ways than one.

Security service agencies will offer their services anytime compared to internal security.

24/7, 365-Day Support

Around-the-clock security is probably one of the most-praised features security service agencies boast. Outsourced security will be available to you even after working hours compared to in-house trained security, which is only available at defined times. 

Third-party security companies do not only follow your business’ regular working hours but will also extend their services outside of working hours whenever you need them.

Holidays, emergencies, or other work-halting circumstances won’t impede the work of the outsourcing security agency. They will be able to protect and secure your business whenever. As a business owner, you’ll be able to fall back on security even when everything else stops working.

Simplified Payrolls

The financial appeal of hiring a security service agency is another aspect business owners appreciate. Namely, outsourced security will come as a ready-made team of professionals tackling security issues without needing your attention.

Since you’ll be outsourcing security detail, the individuals won’t be on your payroll. In other words, you won’t have to burden yourself with extra workers’ compensation, wages, workers’ benefits, days, holiday leave, or any other exemptions related to in-house trained security officers.

Besides, you can enter the outsourced security services in your financial records as a business expense, thus minimising administrative and accounting paperwork year-round. In the long run, third-party security services will save you money, and just how much you can save will ultimately depend on your security needs.

Reduced Overhead Expenses

Outsourcing your security means more than having around-the-clock security. Third-party security services will allow your business to cut back on overhead expenses and divert your capital elsewhere.

Maintaining your working equipment and payroll can become overly expensive, especially if you’re a small business owner or a startup. Moreover, upkeep costs can be sky-high if your business operates from multiple locations.

Another business-friendly perk of outsourcing security solutions is the reduction in overhead expenses. Since the outsourced security officers won’t be on your payroll, you won’t have to burden yourself with extra deductions and taxes. Outsourced security officers will be at your disposal for all your security needs with no added requirements on their part.

In a nutshell, the only cost you’ll have is the financial compensation for the outsourcing agency.

Enhanced Work Consistency

Businesses are often left shorthanded in staff when emergencies arise. For instance, your in-house trained security guard might call in ill or be stuck in a traffic jam, leaving you without your security detail.

Your outsourced security officers will never miss a shift or be late for the job. Security service agencies operate with sizable teams of professionals that can jump in whenever needed, no matter the time of day. In the case the designated security officer is unable to perform their duties, the outsourcing company will send a replacement to fill in the position.

As a business owner, you won’t have to worry about work position gaps anymore – the outsourcing security agency will keep track of filling positions in your company whenever you need them.

Minimised Incompatible Hires

Suppose you or your manager decide to conduct interviews and hand-pick the security officers for your working locations. In that case, you might not be able to notice potential red flags when hiring. On the contrary, when outsourcing security services, you can rest assured every agency employee has been thoroughly checked and cleared for work before you entrust them with your business’ security. All reputable security service agencies vet their security officers to ensure they truly are the professionals that you pay for. 

Every employee of the outsourcing agency has gone through background checks and has come through as professionally compatible with the work theta are assigned. As a business owner, you can have peace of mind knowing that professionals are handling the security aspects of your business.

Moreover, you won’t have to worry if you haven’t made the right choice for your security requirements – the outsourcing agency will know which personal (and professional) profile of their employees will suit your business needs most.

Get Professional Security Services Now

If you want to safeguard your premises from intruders or unwanted guests, All Time Security is your go-to provider for outsourced security services.

As a leading security service specialist in the UK, we at All Time Security know the value of well-rounded security, which is why we extend our services to concierge security, warehouse and industrial security, door supervision, and many more areas.

We adhere to strict guidelines and certifications to offer our customers all-encompassing security services. Give us a call at 01494511222 for a free quote for your business needs, or send us an e-mail and let’s secure your business today.

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